Want to know a secret?


As you may have heard, Frank Warren, creator of the PostSecret blog project, will be speaking in the Main Gym on Thursday, December 4th, at 7 p.m.  Before the show, a gallery of submitted “secrets,” creatively designed postcards which people use to anonymously reveal hidden aspects of their lives, will be on display.  We have blank postcards and a submission box here at the library if you’d like to make your own, as well as a copy of Frank’s first PostSecret book collection, PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives, on display for your perusing pleasure.  It’s set up on the counter by the second row of computers on the main floor.  You can’t miss it… just look for the big secret.

Be bold.  Get creative.  Share a little bit of yourself (good or bad) in the comfort of anonymity.  And come on… at this point in the semester, a fun and cathartic art project might be just what you need.

Changes in our Leisure Reading section, and how you can help decide its future.


As you may know, we’ve been getting the books for our Leisure Reading shelf on a rotating basis as part of a loan/subscription agreement with McNaughton Publishing.  We’ve decided to end this subscription and are going to start outright purchasing leisure reading titles from now on, at a rate of roughly five per month.  We think this will add some variety to the sort of leisure titles we carry, and hopefully appeal to a wider audience (also, doing things this way ends up saving us some money, which is always nice).

But in order to actually reach out to that wider audience – which is you, by the way, we need input!  Got a favorite author?  Looking for a particular title that no one else in HELIN seems to own (or if someplace does, the waitlist is just too long)?  Let us know!  Leave a comment below, or else contact a member of the library staff (either Trish Schultz or Helen Matteson would be the quickest path, but any of us can pass suggestions along).  Remember, we can’t buy the books you like if you don’t tell us what you want to read!

As for the McNaughton collection, it’ll be phased out by December.  So if there’s anything on those shelves that you want that you haven’t been able to get to yet, I’d get cracking if I were you!

Also Elsewhere on Campus: “Super Size Me” director Spurlock to speak.


From the press release:

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock to speak at Bryant

Best known for “Super Size Me,” Spurlock’s talk is the first event of the new Student Arts and Speaker Series.

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, director of “Super Size Me,” a documentary that examined the health effects of eating nothing but McDonald’s for a month, will present a talk on Tuesday, September 23, at 7 p.m. in Janikies Theatre. The event is sponsored by the new Student Arts and Speaker Series (SASS).

Students and staff members can pickup tickets in the Center for Student Involvement on the third floor of the Bryant Center. Members of the community can reserve tickets beginning on Monday, September 21 by calling (401) 232-6160.

Click here or here for more information about the event and related programs.

Elsewhere on campus: “Deadliest Catch” producer to speak


From the press release:

7 P.M.

Paul Gasek will speak about his experiences as an executive producer for the Discovery Channel and discuss the role of television in promoting the study of nature. He is an Emmy award winning executive producer and the senior science editor for the Discovery Channel. He has overseen hundreds of hours of programming, including “Deadliest Catch,” “Discovery Project Earth,” and “Engineering the Universe,” to name a few. The current projects that he will discuss and show clips from include “Global Warming: What You Need to Know” with Tom Brokaw and “Secrets of the Dinosaur Mummy,” a work-in-progress series on searching for valuable shipwrecks.

They don’t let me out of the library very often, but I’ll have to make an effort to get over and check this out.